John tells us that the disciples who abandoned Jesus when He was arrested and taken to the cross [John was one of them] were still locked in a room a week after they had seen Him risen from the dead and had appeared to them in that same room. Jesus had good reason to be disappointed with them. But He says to them, “Peace be with you!” He knew it was difficult for them to believe, even though they had seen. And He knew how difficult it would be for us who had not seen, to believe. That is why, at our Baptism, our parents, or we ourselves if we are old enough, promise that our faith will constantly grow stronger in our hearts and we are challenged to bring that faith unstained into heaven. We renewed our Baptismal Promises on Easter Sunday. What have we done to make our faith grow stronger in our hearts? What are we doing? What will we do in the future? Are we being good stewards to bring that faith unstained into heaven?