God created a wonderful world in which we human beings do not live in isolation. He gave us dominion over His world and intended that we choose to share its greatness with one another. He knew we would find such sharing and true equality difficult. God knew that some of us would acquire more that we need, while others do without basic necessities. Henri Becque wisely observed that “The defect with equality is that we only desire it with those we consider superior to ourselves.” God wanted us to choose true equality. He did not impose it on us. And he did not intend for any else to impose it on us. Jesus taught us that we must accept the Kingdom of God like a child. As good steward of God’s world we must accepts God’s Kingdom like the children who approached Jesus without fear or expectations, other than to be accepted the way God created them. Does our “hardness of hearts” keep us from accepting God’s world, and His plan for us, “like a child.” Are we willing to soften our hearts?