In golf a short put is called a gimme. In tennis a high, lofting return near the net is called a lob. In baseball four balls will get you a walk. And in basketball a ball passed to a tall forward or center over the goal is called a slam dunk. For a writer seeking to convey a message about the nature and consequences of being
a good steward, today’s Gospel reading is a gimme, a lob, a walk and a slam dunk. We can learn that God created each of us with a vast array of talents, abilities and gifts, and free will to choose to accept and use them for ourselves and for others; or to reject them. What an awesome God! What an awesome gift! What an awesome responsibility! What an awesome reward for being a good steward! But the consequence for failing to be the good stewards God expects us to be is awesome. Take some time this week to reflect several times on the Gospel passage for today. How have we done with our stewardship? Can we do more?