“He will put those wretched men to a wretched death and lease his vineyard to other tenants who will give him the produce at the proper times.” After telling a parable about tenants of a vineyard who killed the servants and the son that the landowner he sent to collect his fair share of the crop, Jesus asks what the landowner should do to the tenants. Before we approve of the disciples response, we should consider: Does the vineyard represent the world? Do the tenants represent us, who have been given a share in God’s world to be productive for the Lord? Do the servants represent the patriarchs and prophets that God repeatedly sent to the Israelites to remind them to love God and their neighbor? Does the owner’s son represent Jesus who came to teach us how to love God and our neighbor; to love our enemies; to love one another as He loved us? Are we being productive with what God gave to each of us? Are we returning to God His fair share by sharing with others? Now, do we still want to “put those wretched men to a wretched death?”