Who is Jesus for you? Who is Jesus for your family, for your life?

 This is a simple question but very important for our faith, for our spiritual life. It is an important question because it determines our relationship with Jesus. But it determines also our commitment and the way we interact with people, the way we see the world. 200 years ago, Jesus asked that question to his apostles. After preaching the good news, after healing the sick, and after performing miracles, Jesus wanted to know if his disciples knew who He was, his mission. That is why He asked his apostles, who do people say that I am?

For some people, they saw Jesus like John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others like a prophet. Now, Jesus asked his apostles, What about you? Who do you say that I am? In reply, Peter says to Jesus that you are the Messiah, you are the Son of God. Then Jesus praised Peter because he was right. He said the right thing. He knew who Jesus was. That was the response Jesus was expecting …. But what happened to Peter when Jesus was arrested and crucified? He denied Jesus. He denied his best friend. He said: I don’t know this guy. How is he to reconcile his profession of faith with his denial?

Today, Jesus is addressing the same question to everyone of us. It is a personal question: Who is Jesus for you? I think from time to time, we need to pause and ask this important question: Who is Jesus for me, for you? After being Catholic, Christians for years….After receiving the sacraments, after being involved in different groups, or priests for many years, Who is Jesus for you? It is easy to profess the creed and say: Jesus is our Savior, that Jesus is our Messiah, the Son of God. But in our daily reflection what do we profess? In my relationship with people, does it reflect that Jesus is my savior? Does it reflect that Jesus is my light, the truth? In the Creed we say that we believe in God…….. Does our life show that we believe in God? Does what I do show that I am Catholic, that I am Christian, that I believe in God? That I am part of the body of Christ? Our faith is not what we profess in the creed. Our faith should be reflected in what we do. Faith in action. Also, who is Jesus for you? Do you know Jesus? Have you ever had a personal encounter with Jesus? To know someone, we need to spend time with him, to talk to him and to listen to him.