Guidelines for Returning to Mass

Public Masses to Resume May 20, 2020

Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church, Owensboro, Kentucky

We are working hard to prepare for the return to celebrating public Masses! Sts. Joseph and Paul is an amazing church family and we recognize that not all of us will be returning to church right away. That is OKAY! We want you to feel comfortable whether you are worshiping at church or at home. You are part of this great parish and we will do everything we can to provide a safe and healthy place for you to worship.

We will continue to offer Mass on Facebook, YouTube and by phone. Bishop Medley has extended, until further notice, the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Since the obligation is dispensed, Catholics who would like to attend Mass are encouraged to consider going to Mass on a weekday in order to lessen the crowd on Sunday.

If you have recently been ill, had a fever, been exposed to Covid 19, or have a compromised immune system, you should not attend Mass in person. There is no age restriction on attending Mass, only that you are in good health and not high risk. In keeping with the 6-foot social distancing guidelines, the maximum number of people allowed in the church is 75. For weekend Masses, we will offer 75 color coded tickets per Mass which will be available this week Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8-6 at the parish office. Please pick up only the number of tickets you need for your family. You must have your ticket to be able to attend Mass. 

We have combined the guidelines set by the State of Kentucky and our Diocese and put together the following guidelines for those who choose to attend the Liturgy in person. It is the Church’s responsibility to protect every member as best we can and these guidelines are created out of love and respect for each of you.

~ All attendees are required to wear masks with the exception of children 3 years old and younger. If you are not comfortable or children are not mature enough to wear a mask for the entire liturgy, you should continue to worship from home. We ask that you bring your own mask. If you do not have one, we will have one available for you outside of church.

~Families are to be seated in the spaces marked throughout the sanctuary. Only every other pew will be
utilized. The short pews on the sides will allow 2 people from the same household. Hospitality Ministers will help in guiding families to the appropriate seats which will be marked with a placard.

~The cry room is not open for gathering. However, the restroom is available if needed. Only one person
(unless family) is allowed in the cry room/restroom at a time. Others should wait outside the cry room door and maintain 6 feet between one another.

~Because singing causes us to project our voices and therefore can propel the virus, the congregation is asked to refrain from singing. And to reduce risk, we will not use worship guides for the time being.

~During the Our Father and Sign of Peace, please do not hold or shake hands with anyone outside of
your family. During the Sign of Peace you may offer a polite bow or wave to others.

~Offering baskets will be placed at the entrances to church and we ask that you place your gift there
upon entering the building.

~For the communion procession, a hospitality minister will dismiss one row at a time. Parishioners are
asked to keep 6 feet between the person in front of you and keep your mask on until the person in front of you receives communion. At that time, the mask can be lowered and if the parishioner wishes, sanitize their hands before receiving the Eucharist. After consuming the Eucharist, we ask that you replace your mask over your face and you may sanitize your hands again before returning to your seat. Communion will be administered in the hands only. The cup will not be offered.

~For dismissal after church, hospitality ministers will dismiss each row beginning with the back of the
church. Most everyone will be encouraged to exit through the front doors. However, those who need to use the side entrance will be able to use the ramp. We are asked to not linger or congregate in the church once Mass is over so that we may sanitize the church in preparation for the next Mass.

~The church bus will not be available for parishioner transportation at this time.


Because it is difficult to maintain a 6-foot distance in the sacristy and at the altar, we will not be utilizing servers or sacristans for the time being. Only one lector will be assigned per Mass and one Eucharistic Minister in addition to the Presider. Hospitality Ministers will be mostly stationed outside greeting everyone with a few inside to direct families to seating options. More information will be communicated to Hospitality Ministers before resuming Sunday Mass.

Video and Audio Masses are available!

On Facebook at Sts. Joseph and Paul Parish Group or Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church Page
On YouTube at: Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church
By Phone at 1-844-602-3933

We continue to pray for each of you and look forward to the time when we can all safely be
together again. Please call us at the Parish Office at 270-683-5641 if you need anything!

Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church
609 E 4th Street, Owensboro, KY 42303