“From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two, two against three.”

We are bombarded with advertising that promise products will make us feel better, look prettier, feel stronger, have an easier life and save money. Politicians are controlled by opinion polls and make promises they have no intention to keep.

In today’s Gospel Jesus paints a rather bleak picture of why he came, what he will do and the consequences he will suffer. He bluntly tells people that households will be divided because of him. An advertising agent or political adviser would tell Jesus he didn’t have a chance to sell his product or get elected. But Jesus was not running for office and the only product he was selling was the love of God and his Kingdom.

Jesus knew his life and message had angered the Jewish and Roman leaders of his day. He anticipated the treatment he would eventually receive. And he knew we would be treated no better. He was preparing those who would follow him and try to imitate him for the treatment we would receive for seeking the will of God and trying to do it