~By: Laura Shoulders

I first met Barry Cecil when I started attending Sts. Joseph & Paul in 2015. I can’t remember if it was in Journey Home that summer, or in RCIA that fall that we developed a friendship that I consider to be life-altering. My life is different having known him. Like most of you, I was drawn to his easy mood and robust laughter. I respected the transparent way he shared his testimony, and how a relationship with Jesus and the love of his Sts. Joseph & Paul family had led him on a journey of deep conversion. There was a depth to Barry that you might not know unless you had the privilege of sharing heartfelt conversation with him, because he was naturally so jovial and free-spirited… like a party waiting to happen! But it was there.

I wish I could remember the details that prompted me to ask Barry for a copy of the words I share with you today, but I can’t. The only memory I have is that he had shared them with me, and I wanted a copy for myself. They’ve been saved in the notes on my phone since September 20, 2018. What I do know is that Barry Cecil left a legacy among those whom he considered family. If you’re reading this, that’s you. We at Sts. Joseph & Paul were his family, his brothers and sisters. He loved us, unconditionally. Be blessed by his prayer. And if you listen closely, with the ears of your heart, you’ll hear him praying along with you. Our brother, Barry, pray for us.

My prayer day and night :

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for this day. In the name of Jesus, allow me to put hostility, unforgiveness, and selfishness behind me. Allow me to be a blessing to others, and in the name of Jesus, allow me to spread God’s Word, speaking words of faith and power of God’s word with a sound mind. Allow me to live a life of love, and allow me to be a giver in spirit, soul, and body.

In the name of Jesus, please remove all the curses and transgressions of my family, past, present, and future generations. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all the blessings bestowed upon me in the past, present, and future. Thank You, Lord, for all the good health, knowledge, and freedom that You’ve given me in this life. Lord, give me wisdom, and more knowledge and understanding of Your Word, and in all that I do. Allow me to never forget to put You first, so that I may stand amongst You now and forever. In the name of Jesus, I pray for my enemies. May my enemies be given all that You’ve given me, Jesus.

In the name of Jesus, allow great grace to be bestowed upon me and them all. Jesus, You say that when two or more are gathered in Your name, You will be there. Hear these words. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this magnificent day and the meals that we nourish our bodies with. May we give You all the glory, O Lord. I’m so grateful to call upon You. Forgive me my sins. Lift the darkness and put us in Your light. Watch over our families, soldiers, teachers, and watch over the lost, and the homeless children in the world, especially my mother, father, sisters, brothers and (add names).

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me so much by providing our salvation. Help us to make the Gospel attractive to others so that we can shine Jesus’ light on those we encounter each day. In the name of Jesus, help me to ease the burden of others, for You showed Your love for us. In the name of Jesus, let me share a smile today with others, so that Your love is shown upon my face. May my life be so pleasing to You, Lord, that You’re pleased to have me in Your presence. I ask this all in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.