New Confirmation Prep Program

 Confirmation is probably my favorite sacrament to celebrate her at Sts. Joseph & Paul. Watching 30+ youth be sealed with the Holy Spirit and be commissioned to go and make disciples – WOW! It is a powerful moment in the lives of these young people.

Coordinating this Sacrament for our young people has been a blessing especially getting to know and accompany our young church. It’s also been a challenge! A lot goes into helping our young people meet the requirements for confirmation as well as their formation. Not to mention that we have three separate formation communities! Catholic Schools, Wednesday night faith formation, and Sunday morning Hispanic faith formation. I am hoping to meet this challenge in introducing a new process for Confirmation Preparation. This will not replace the ongoing formation of our Catholic faith that we receive through Catholic schools and faith formation programs!

We are taking a liturgical approach and breaking open the Rite of Confirmation. Seven Confirmation preparation sessions will take place monthly on a Wednesday evening. We have eliminated a lot of the “hoop jumping” candidates have to do to receive confirmation. All three formation communities will come together for the sessions to prepare together with a parent or sponsor. There are more details to come and I hope that we can successfully serve and prepare our young people for this sacrament.

~Aynde Bennett