Once four priests were spending a couple of days at a cabin. In the evening they decided to tell each other their biggest temptation. The first priest said, “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but my big temptation is bad pictures. Once I even bought a copy of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.” “My temptation is worse,” said the second priest. “It’s gambling. One Saturday instead of preparing my homily I went to the race track to bet on the ponies.”
“Mine is worse still,” said the third priest. “I sometimes can’t control the urge to drink. One time I actually broke into the sacramental wine.” The fourth priest was quiet. “Brothers, I hate to say this,” he said, “but my temptation is worst of all. I love to gossip – and if you guys will excuse me, I’d like to make a few phone calls!”
Temptations . The big temptation is to say there is nothing wrong with me. Well, we all have temptations. Our first parents were tempted by devil. Jesus was tempted in desert by the devil. And we are also tempted by the devil. Everyday we face temptations. Sometimes we resist, other time we fail. Today the gospel tells us about the temptations of Jesus in desert. The devil came to tempt Jesus after 40 days of fasting and prayers. This gospel reading brings us two questions : If Jesus is God , Son of God , why He was tempted by the devil ? Or why He allowed Himself to be tempted ! Well, Jesus was tempted by the devil because He was a human being.
Temptation is human. He was sinless, but He wanted to share of human condition. But in the same time, to help us to be aware and being careful not to give in by failing into sin ( to show us how to resist and overcome temptations in our lives). To show us how the devil infects every human being. And how to resist and overcome temptations. So Jesus was tempted in the desert after 40 days of fasting. Notice that that the devil knew that Jesus was hungry after fasting for 40 days. He knew that Jesus needed food to eat. That means the devil knows when we are weak, and the best moment to tempt us ( challenge us ). The devil tempts Jesus with comfort, inviting Him to provide bread for himself from the stones. The devil tempts Jesus with easy success, urging him to throw himself down from the temple and everybody would admire Him. The devil tempts Jesus with power. ……….. And Jesus resists them all by exalting God.
So, Jesus was tempted by the devil because He was a human being, fully human like the rest of us expect sin. Also, the temptations of Jesus teach show us that the devil is not far away from us. He is in our lives. He tempts ( challenges ) and attacks us when we are weak, vulnerable. Notice that Jesus was tempted after 40 days of fasting. The devil knew that after 40 days of fasting, Jesus was hungry, he knew the best moment to tempt him. Also, the temptations of Jesus remind us that the devil uses all kinds the tricks to tempt us even the Scriptures. Remember when the devil quotes the Scripture to tempt Jesus.
Lastly, the temptations of Jesus remind us how the devil tries to astray us from our mission, vocation …to follow Jesus and keep our Lenten resolutions. Remember that the temptations of Jesus happened before He begins his public ministry. And the devil tried to sway Him : If you are the son of God …… The same thing happen to us anytime ( specially in Lenten season ). We have decided to clean up our lives and make a fresh start. We decided to give up candies, chocolate,….. we decided to read the Scripture everyday instead to spend time watching TV, we decide ……… to be close to God….. but the devil will try to discourage us, he will try to astray us from our goal and mission. It shows us that no matter how holy we are and how filled with the Spirit of God, we still have to guard against the temptations of the devil, for he is interested in leading us astray.
The second question that this reading raises is about us. Why does the Church give us the story of the temptation of Jesus every year on the first Sunday of Lent ? How to resist the temptations we face every day as human being. Jesus shows us what to do : Exalt God. The devil cannot stand it when we exalt God. To each temptation, Jesus responds by exalting God : one does not live by bread alone – but by God’s word. God alone shall you worship and serve. Do not put God to the test. For us too, the battle against evil never stops. We are all tempted to comfort , to success, to be somebody, to power : to run things, to run people, the selfishness, the greed, the anger , hostility, the jealousy and resentment. The list is long. when temptations come, Jesus shows us what to do : Exalt God. The devil cannot stand it when we exalt God.
Each time your are facing hard time, or you are tempted by the devil, think about the Spirit of God within you. Think about God, Scripture and Gospel reading, one phrase or word. Say the Holy name of Jesus, praise God and the devil will flee. Think about God’s presence in your life. Because trusting in God as Jesus did, will make you strong. From Jesus, we learn that God is present in the midst of test and temptations. And when you receive the body of Christ, ask him to give the grace you need to resist temptations.