About Us

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Sts Joseph & Paul Catholic Church

A Roman Catholic English and Spanish speaking parish who believes fully in living out Our Mission Statement “We Give Our Hearts to God and Our Talents to His People”.

For more about our many years as a church, click here to share in Our History.


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We would enjoy seeing you.

Weekend Mass times:

Saturday evening 4:30pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am & 6:00pm in English
Sunday noon and 8:00 pm in Spanish


5:30pm in English

Holy Days:

Vigil 5:30pm / Day Noon and 5:30pm
Spanish 7:30pm


Thursday        Friday

6:00 pm            Noon


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Fully celebrate the Sacramental Life of the Church as we grow deeper with Jesus so that we may share his love and extend his mercy to all.


We offer opportunities for everyone at our parish to develop their personal relationship with Christ through study, worship, prayer, singing, and fun activities.


Connect with others by volunteering skills or talents, serving meals for the homeless, enjoying events like our Annual Block Party, joining one of our many groups or classes.

Hispanic Ministry

Each week, we offer ministry for our Hispanic community for adults, youth and children including devotions and traditions within the Hispanic Community.

Visit Us

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Located just 3 blocks east of the blue bridge in downtown Owensboro at 609 East 4th Street 42303.

Our Latest News

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15 Jan

  St. Luke tells us of the baptism of Jesus by John in the River Jordan. This was an important event in the life of Jesus and the salvation history...

A Place For You

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