“What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?”


Capernaum was a small town on the northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee where Simon [Peter] and his brother Andrew operated their fishing business in partnership with Zebedee, father of James and John. Archaeologist have found what they believe to be the synagogue in the town, and next to it, the home of Simon. When confronted by Jesus, the “unclean spirits” in the man in that synagogue challenged him to declare and reveal his identity and authority. Jesus was reluctant to do that, but he commanded the “unclean spirits, “Quiet, come out of him.” The people were amazed. Do we harbor “unclean spirits” such as ingratitude to God for all he has given us and failure to demonstrate our appreciation for all that we are, all that we have, and all that we every will be by using everything to the best of our ability for ourselves and for others? Despite all God has revealed to us through Scripture and Tradition, do we demand that Jesus further reveal himself to us before we let him drive out those “unclean spirits”? If we would only let Jesus heal us, people would be amazed. We would be amazed.