It is true that to cede or give up one’s own place to others is not gratifying. It could be humiliating and is a limitation of one’s pride. It is even more humiliating and a reason to feel embarrassed when one has to move to the last place because it is a dishonor in the eyes of all. Luke thinks of all those humiliating and painful situations of shame in which the believer can find himself, in the place reserved for one who lives these events before the eyes of God and His Kingdom. The proud, those who seek to have first places, and the important gratify themselves because of their social position.

On the contrary, when Jesus came to live among us, “there was no place for him” and He decided to remain, choosing a place among the poor and humble people. This is why God raised Him and exalted Him.  From here comes the precious suggestion to choose His attitude, considering the last place as a privilege.  The reader may remain disturbed by these words of Jesus that undermine the utilitarian and egoistic sense of life, but in the long run His teaching reveals itself to be necessary to ascend on high and the way of humility that leads to glory.

Personal questions :
In your friendships with others, does the calculation of interest and the expectation to receive something in exchange, prevail?

In your relationship with others, i is there always and everywhere your “I”, even when you do something for the brothers and sisters?

Are you ready to give yourself in what you are?