My Dear Parishioners:
Happy New Year to you! It is hard to believe that it is 2023 already! In everything our faith tells us that we must always give thanks and praise to God, the Father Almighty. I am thankful to Him for His many blessings upon us as a parish family. I reserve my thanks and appreciation to you all. My special thanks go to those men and women who have sacrificed their time, talent and/or treasure to make sure that our parishioners are adequately served with the word and love of Christ. I thank and appreciate the work of all those who are serving the parish in variety of ministries – I am proud to have the privilege of working with all of you. I sincerely thank you for your sacrifices and commitment to our parish. I pray God to bless and reward you for your dedication and devotion to our beloved parish. I truly admire you, and I am very proud of you as individuals and as a group. I thank you for the trust you place in me. Thank you also for your tolerance, patience, understanding, goodwill and prayers. This continues to be a great source of strength and support for me. Thank you for your benevolence and cooperation – your words of comfort and compliments – your constructive criticisms and useful advices. Your strong faith, your smiles and laughter have always lifted my spirit. Your support and cooperation have always been a source of strength to help build our parish into a family of love and unity. I thank you very much for the monetary and material gifts you have given to me especially during this Christmas season. I will be ever grateful to all of you.